February 3, 2010

Product Review: Musical Crib Mobiles

I fell victim to it like so many women. I bought the cutsie matches-your-bedding-set mobile that you have to hand crank. It was the perfect little nursery, arranged in their room just like in the movies - but movie nurseries don't FUNCTION like real life needs them to.

I'd hope that with my new-found knowledge coupled with common sense, others can benefit!

Don't waste your time with these hand crank models - the music only lasts about 45 seconds to a minute - just long enough for you to get to the bathroom and be in the middle of your business before your twins start freaking out again.

What you need is the super deluxe, thank goodness for technology, I'm sure a mom invented this musical mobile. The one I got is actually no longer available for sale, but they have improved on the one I've got by leaps and bounds. Of all the current market mobiles I checked out, I'm pretty impressed with all of them. I think it comes down to price and theme in the end.

"It slices, it dices, makes julienne fries in seconds!" That's what we need! A crib mobile infomercial!

My top suggestion for something to look for is a battery operated TIMED mobile. Something that can play music continuously for 15 heaven sent minutes or so. That, dear friends, is a life saver!! Your cranky infants can be somewhat entertained by whirling thinga-mabobs overhead, while you get caught up on laundry.

It actually became a routine for us. When it was time to take a nap or sleep for the night, we'd set the mobile to "on" and we'd have 15 minutes of music. Sometimes, the kids would even be asleep by the end of 15 minutes.

Once the kids are pulling up and standing up, they start yanking on the dangling parts. Most of these mobiles can partly detach, leaving the music part on the crib - just no overhead grabby parts.

Some new features I saw while looking around: night lights, self start up when baby cries continuously, and choose your songs.

Most musical crib mobiles with these cool features start around $30 at Walmart.

1 comment:

  1. Mobiles seem SO DANG expensive! I've kinda been wanting to buy a super cheap and dumb one (google shop then list from low price to high), and then replace the not fun toys with fun toys. Might make it cheaper.

    The other mobile I like right now is this one: http://www.spoolsewing.com/blog/2008/05/16/bird-mobile/ but it doesn't move on its own or make noise. Lots of colors though!


When did you find out it was twins?

Did your twins have any NICU time?

Do you plan to have kids after the twins?

What did you do with your baby clothes?