March 25, 2010

I know I am being a jerk by feeling like the picked on one, since it is my husband who has been at deaths door sick, but man the last couple of weeks have been rough! Taking care of Ella and the twins and Seth is almost too much to handle sometimes! He finally seems to be on the up and up, so here's hoping that after two months he'll finally be back to himself. I haven't been the best caregiver to him, poor guy.

Hey twins moms, how did you all do feeding? I usually lay both babies side by side on the floor and shovel it in, but the carpets have been suffering from that method. Maybe lay a tarp down first or something! And I don't think Marley is getting as much fluid as Monet. They are both still nursing, but Monet is good with bottles and sippys while Marley will still only take me. As I wean them, how can I get Marley to take a drink from other sources? Any ideas?

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When did you find out it was twins?

Did your twins have any NICU time?

Do you plan to have kids after the twins?

What did you do with your baby clothes?